Opens Wins
RSS is still the way. I’ve written about the utility and idealism of RSS in the past, but I think enough time has passed for us to reflect on whether the anti-RSS decade we’ve just been through worked for anyone. Were consumers better off? Were publishers better off?
Don’t mess with librarians.
This weekend, I helped my wife in her booth at the American Library Association Conference (my wife helps libraries with fundraising). I’ve been to the ALA conference a few times in the past decade, but this time felt different. The conference is usually overshadowed by authors, big publishers, and
Publish or perish? Document or die.
I don’t believe in goals. I believe in process. I believe in process because I used to believe in goals. What I’m about to reveal to you is far more boring than goal setting, but far more effective. Goals tend to get further away the closer you get
Why would you write a book in 2023?
It doesn’t make much sense to write a book in 2023 — especially a nonfiction book. In fact, your readers would likely pay 10X as much to get the same information in a video-based course. But, for many reasons, some of us still prefer creating books over any other medium.
The Books of No Excuses
I buy books to dissect their strategies as much as to read. A sub-genre of these purchases is the “no excuses” book — a book that exists to show you why you have no excuses not to publish your next book. Kevin Kelley’s new book, Excellent Advice for Living, is
Your 3-Step Book
What if you could create a table of contents for everything you’ve posted online? How many chapters would you be proud of? I’ve done it. It’s not difficult. It’s not even as time consuming as you might think. The secret is constraints. Don’t worry about
When Pay to Play Doesn’t Pay
Seth Godin just posted about the search tax you’re paying: “Amazon took in more than $30 billion in ad revenue last year, money spent to elevate some products over others in the hierarchy of attention.” Amazon, like Google, YouTube, and Apple’s App Store are often referred to as