Freeing Up Some Time for Photography
The most common hand-wringing complaint I hear from photo enthusiasts is something along the lines of: “I juts don’t have the time to photograph everything I want.” and/or “I used to shoot a lot more, but I’m so busy these days.” This is one of those problems
“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.” – Lin Yutang []
Mikes on Mics (Part 2)
Check out the latest podcast I showed up on, Mikes on Mics [] . We debate the ideas I posted in this article [] on productivity for creatives. I don’t think any holes were poked in
Rethinking Productivity for Creatives
I’ve been posting a lot [] lately about productivity, or un-productivity really, and wondering why I’m dissatisfied with apps like Omnifocus and Things for task management. I don’t believe I’m alone. I believe it has to do with the difference between analytical
Productivity Isn't for People
> “Any job that can be measured for productivity probably should be eliminated from the list of jobs that people do.” — Kevin Kelly
Toss Productivity Out
I’m really trying.
"Let Go of Your To-do Lists"
> “And let go of your long to-do lists and goal lists. They are a futile attempt to keep from missing out. You will miss out, but in striving to do everything, you’ll miss out on the wonder of the thing you are doing right now. What you’re
"Productivity is for Machines"
> “Productivity is for machines. If you can measure it, robots should do it.” — Kevin Kelly via Patrick Rhone
Free Time
Most people will tell you the thing they want most is more free time. But they never keep it free once they get it. Work to live [].