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Chris Ducker on Time Management

Chris Ducker has spent years studying and implementing time management techniques, and writing about what he's learned. He agrees with a growing number of my peers that schedules beat to do lists. In fact, in a recent episode [] of his podcast, he

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How to Podcast Daily

A collection of Seth Godin quotes I put together on why you should blog daily [] has started making the rounds again on social media. Great! I love the idea of blogging daily, and admire anyone actually attempting it. But, what if you did the same

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An Argument Against "Deep Work"

Deep Work [] is all the rage, and has been for a few years. It's refreshing to have some push back against it, if at least to have some diversity of opinion. Tiago Forte, a productivity consultant, was recently interviewed for the Evernote podcast

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Home Screens as Therapy

I have nothing against technology. I do have a problem with using technology as a crutch to keep you from being creative. I have a big problem with my natural, sometimes destructive, tendency to consume a lot of information. Batching time to consume helps, but sometimes it's more

Home Screens as Therapy
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Schedule Your Thinking

Tom Kelley and David Kelley in Harvard Business Review []: > “Schedule daily 'white space' in your calendar, where your only task is to think or take a walk and daydream. When you try to generate ideas, shoot for 100 instead of 10.

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Big Ideas

David Lynch []: > “Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and

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It's that time of year government "suggested" sabbatical []. I may be just a writer, but 8-10 hours of my day is writing for a bank. The question arrises every year in my head: what

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"Quit Social Media"

Excellent advice, backed up by science.

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Erase the List

Anthony Casalena talks here about how erasing his to do list made room for bigger, better ideas to seep into his brain. His better ideas became the platform this website is currently hosted on and earned tens of millions of dollars:

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"Artists Shouldn't Be on Social Media"

"Artists shouldn't be on social media. Their work is time-suck enough as it is." - Hugh MacLeod [] I want to agree with that statement. Then again, it was posted on Instagram, so I'm not sure Hugh really means