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It's Never Been Easier

I replaced the word “writer” with the word “photographer” below, because it really applies to both (or any modern creative profession). This perfectly describes the era we’re living in: > “It’s never been easier to be a [photographer]; and it’s never been harder to be a professional

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Photography vs. Art

Guy Tal wonders [] why photographers are usually differentiated from artists: > “Try looking for books on and you will find a category for ‘Arts & Photography.’ Barnes & Noble goes further by separating 'Art, Architecture & Photography.’ Even a

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Photographer as Storyteller

The question often pops up around here: What exactly is storytelling in photography? Erin Feldman [] points us to an interview [] with photojournalist Matt Knisely, who gives his opinion: > “The entirety of the shot is brought to life through the subject,

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Worthwhile Reads

Back when Google Reader’s closure was announced, I was asked by a few readers to reveal what sites were in my RSS reader. When there’s millions of photo sites out there saying the same things, listening to the same podcasts and buying the same equipment, it can be

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Boredom is a Tool

Creativity is not a natural state for an adult. In fact, our brains would love to avoid to it. It represents a vulnerability we long ago learned to avoid. Modern life is increasing void of boredom. There’s always a device or a task to occupy our time. Even waiting

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Amateur Media Will Win

I’m doing an annual pruning of my photo blog reading list. It’s an audit of the blogs that have been interesting and the blogs that have proved useless. A trend is emerging. I’m getting further away from group blogs, big publications and networks of photographers/writers. I’

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You Dont Have To Take My Word For It Heres Jack

You don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s Jack White on constraints and creativity.

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How Do You Know if You're a Talented Photographer?

Jason Kottke [] on talent and photography: > “It’s interesting that you can’t figure out whether you’re any good or not from your 300 friends on Facebook, the 23 people who liked your Tumblr post, the 415 people you follow on Twitter,

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Your Nemesis is Closer than You Think

There is no competition for a creative person. There’s only your own assumptions and habits to overcome. Your nemesis is closer than you think.

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Constraints are Inevitable

Brooks Jensen [] brings up a good point about the increasing choices in photographic technology and what it means for the future: > “I see nothing on the horizon that would indicate we will have fewer choices five years from now than we