Why Being A Lesser Photographer Matters?
I did a video interview at Tiffinbox. I have a face for writing, alone, in a bunker, so don’t expect this to happen again.
A Lesser Photographer: Escaping the Gear Trap to Focus on What Matters
The A Lesser Photographer book is out! It’s $4 at Craft and Vision for a limited time.
Your Storytelling Brain
> Cognitive science has long recognized narrative as a basic organizing principle of memory. This is perhaps the best way to think about storytelling in photography. It’s not about platform. It’s not about techniques. It’s about allowing the brain to do what it does naturally and not
Why Storytelling Matters
> State-of-the-art neuro-imaging and cognitive neuropsychology both uphold the idea that we create our “selves” through narrative.
Why Narratives Win Our Hearts and Minds
> Your brain on story is different than your brain when it is receiving any other form of information, including straight facts and data. There are proven intersections between neuroscience, biology, and story we cannot ignore.
What If The Cost Of Machines Who Think Is People
> “What if the cost of machines who think is people who don’t.” — George Dyson (via The Glass Cage [
I Feel That Snapshots Can Get Close To Capturing
> “I feel that snapshots can get close to capturing the essence of humanity. They are often the visual poetry of the human condition.” — Robert Jackson []
National Geographic's Photo Engineering Department
This is what I mean when I say interesting photography will continue to evolve through creative problem solving, not automation. National Geographic has always put an emphasis on the most important piece of equipment - the mind of a creative person: > “What happens on the back of a cocktail
Over-valuing Potential
> Cameras are all about future potential. Photography is about past production.
Film Isn't Dead
Make sure if you take part in the analogue film resurgence, you do it for the right reasons: the slow, mindful approach to photography and the emphasis on material output. Pretty much everything else about it is the same gear trap as digital.