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There’s no such thing as nonconformity. We just conform to different groups and ideas. By rejecting nonconformity, just like originality, we can clear away one more obstacle between ourselves and the photos we really want to create.

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The enemy of creativity is fear.

Fear in our case can be running to gear, using filters or cliche techniques. It’s all just a way of avoiding difficult questions.

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The Wall Street Journal Doesn't Get Photography Yet

New gear doesn’t create “better photos.” A better subject, a new way of looking at a story - this is the stuff of better photos. I usually ignore articles like this because I see it so often, in so many publications. But it needs to be addressed when it

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“I’m a person of simple needs.”

A great go-to line for lesser photographers (via Patrick Rhone []).

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Dirty Lens

> Do you really need to clean the front of your camera lens before shooting to ensure maximum detail? The answer is no. via Travis Ennis []

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Seven Tips to Craft a Better Visual Story

Elizabeth Krist explains her editing process and what it takes to tell a story in National Geographic.

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How to Be Grateful For What You Have

Eric Kim has been on fire lately. Here he goes deep on gear obsession and how he deals with it.

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Commodity Failure: A Rant

I love this. A rant from a professional’s point of view about the commoditization of “average” photography and the importance of creative problem solving in setting yourself apart from the crowd. > “People could give away cars and there’d still be a market for Porsche and Ferrari. And

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The Longer I Do What I Do The More I Come To

> “The longer I [do] what I do, the more I come to realize that making art is most rewarding not because of the art, but because of the making.” — Guy Tal []

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The Minute Someone Gives You A Map Is The Minute

> “The minute someone gives you a map is the minute it’s not art anymore.” — Seth Godin [] (why there are no rules and why how-to articles generally suck)