Attracting Subscribers to Your Newsletter: Lead Generators
How do you get more people to sign up for your newsletter? The best way is one of the oldest: offer the reader something useful, valuable, and closely related to the subject matter of newsletter for their subscription. Some call this a lead generator, although that term is only really
Recommended: Chimp Essentials
If you’re using MailChimp, you need to take Paul Jarvis’s course Chimp Essentials []. It paid for itself within a few months and has since saved me even more money and time. I’m not an affiliate. I’m not being paid to say this. It’
Conquer Newsletter Obesity
Over time, your list of subscribers will become bloated with the no-longer-interested, no-longer-reading, or no-longer-with-us. This decreases your open rate, bleeds your wallet, and makes you look more like a spammer to email providers. For personal newsletters and small business newsletters, the solution is to simply prune your list of
Don’t personalize. Write like a person.
Every newsletter has a different idea about how you should greet a new reader, and keep in touch with funnel-ized “personalized messages.” I don’t agree with most of them. It’s true, if you’re a business, using a person's name in any email will probably increase
Recommended: Do Open
If you don't know where to start in creating a newsletter, the book Do Open [] is what I always recommend. In fact, I give it out to anyone I work with on a new newsletter. It's the perfect, easy-to-read, back-to-basics start for

Introduce Yourself!
Wondering why email newsletters are starting to introduce themselves with every issue lately? It’s a practice that goes back years, but was recently popularized (and templatized) by Craig Mod in his post, On Being a Good Newsletterer []. He offers the following
Define Your Audience
Although you don’t have a say in the make up of your audience on social media, email newsletters give you the freedom of defining your own constraints. What’s the goal of your newsletter? Establishing a better relationship with your existing audience? Growing that audience? Selling a product? Segmenting
Why You Need a Newsletter in 2020
You are publisher now, whether you asked to be or not. You’re either telling the story of your work and life, or someone else is. Even if you never post anything anywhere on the internet, your life story is being exchanged by companies and governments. At the other extreme,
I Love Newsletters
It’s no secret. My newsletter [] is my favorite creative outlet. What is a secret (to the public) is that for the past few years I’ve been creating and editing newsletters at a big education company. I’ve always wanted to help others with

Be a Librarian to Your Readers: An Interview with Austin Kleon
Austin Kleon is the New York Times Bestselling author of Steal Like an Artist [], a guide to help you “embrace influence, school yourself through the work of others, remix and reimagine to discover your own path.” His follow-up book Show Your Work []