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The Camera is the Next Keyboard

In this week's newsletter: Reversing entropy, flipping the funnel, and ice age art. Check it out here [].

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The Most Important Call to Action for Your Readers

From the Mailchimp for Agencies newsletter, issue #60 [] : > “When I’m doing a newsletter for Small Biz Triage, there’s only ever one call to action,” Rasmussen says. “That is ‘Reply.’ Write back with a question, ask to meet up for coffee,

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This Week's Newsletter: 🍁 Goodbye Summer, Hello Again 🍂

35mm film returns, real heroes you should know, and why I disappeared for a month.

This Week's Newsletter: 🍁 Goodbye Summer, Hello Again 🍂
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My Personal Newsletter One-Year Review

It's been over a year since I made my main email newsletter a purely personal newsletter, not tied to any specific product or service. I did this after realizing whenever one of my books was getting attention somewhere, people were searching for more information by author name, not

My Personal Newsletter One-Year Review
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Newsletter Sneak Peek

Some newsletters are just an essay, some are an actual letter and some collect and "curate" links. Mine is a mixture I'm constantly experimenting with and some of what's in it doesn't appear on this blog. This is a list of links

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“Mobile” Photography Doesn’t Matter

Neither does DSLR or any other form of modern photography. Photography technology will progress in ways we can’t foresee. But it will progress. Today’s top-of-the-line camera is tomorrow’s relic. Today’s most popular camera (the iPhone) is also tomorrow’s relic. All images from today will be

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5 Good Links

Do the work for free, which (if any) online storytelling platform is for you, what defines a good photograph and should Facebook be messing with journalists’ photos? It’s all in this week’s A Lesser Photographer newsletter.

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This Week’s Newsletter

The Best Thing You Can Do When Launching an Idea [] “Constraints are a control mechanism buffering against the nature of how ideas work. Ideas like to go on forever, like the party guest who has endless stories to share with you, standing between you and

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This Week's A Lesser Photographer Newsletter

The weekly newsletter is out. Just a reminder – this blog is just a scratchpad of sorts for the newsletter. The 1600+ newsletter subscribers have entrusted me with their email addresses and I take that seriously. You are my best readers. Want to join them? Subscribe [

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A Lesser Photographer Newsletter: Slow Down

The new issue is out. As it says, I define A Lesser Photographer just as much by what I don’t post as what I do. I sometimes do original articles, but most readers tend to love the links. The real value in “curated” links is the time it saves