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The Best Newsletter in the World

This is not my usual newsletter day, but in the past few weeks, I’ve written a book, several guides, a course, and more articles than I can remember. I wish I could share them, but none had bylines. So, I figured I’d just randomly share some interesting links

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New Newsletter: How to Enjoy What Doesn’t Exist

Why particles don’t exist, the best title ever for a haunted house book, and inspirational garden offices — it’s all in the latest issue of the newsletter [].

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New newsletter: How Spring Break Broke

The great personal newsletter migration, text files aren’t forever, and why boredom is exciting — it’s all in the latest issue of the newsletter [].

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New(ish) Newsletter

I really have to get better at cross-posting about my newsletter issues. Last week, I did one on Creation and Kit Kats []. It was part of a test on formatting, linking styles, and self-imposed constraints. The results? I love plain text emails. You seem

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New newsletter: The king is dead. Long live Ed.

This week’s newsletter is about what we could all learn from the life of Eddie Van Halen. You can check it out here [] (and subscribe here []).

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New Newsletter: Quick Father's Day Issue

Payback is fun. The tropical storm killed my grill. Never go full Telecaster. It’s all in the latest, special edition of the newsletter here [].

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New Newsletter: Who Has the Best Personal Website

Laying low in Minnesota, what to do with old social media posts, and to quote or not to quote: it’s all in the latest newsletter [].

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New Newsletter: Your Habits Create You

Images from Alaska, lessons in marketing and creativity, and how daily habits create who you are — it’s all in the latest newsletter [].

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New Newsletter: There’s no such thing as vegetables or continents.

Good news about tech for a change, the ever-reoccurring newsletter moment, and why you’ll never hear Shakespeare the same way again. It’s all in the latest newsletter [] .

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New Newsletter: Consider Writing

Greetings from Utah, free will in a nutshell, and one of the secrets of life. It’s all in the latest newsletter []. Subscribe here [].