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Clarity is Expensive

After many years of writing for big companies, a few universal truths have emerged from hundreds of projects, no matter the budget: * Having a clear audience is critical for creation, promotion, and sales. * Having a clear goal is existential for the project and ultimately the company. * It’s rare that

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The Importance of Giving a Shit

This is usually a lesser rule of being a creator, marketer, or human being. It’s almost implied. I’m bumping its status up a bit now. I’ve spent the past month driving through the eastern and southern US. Like many travelers, I was throwing money at businesses for

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Marketing Maps Vs. Marketing Plans

Both are needed. Both must change on the fly to fully be realized. But it’s the marketing map that stirs the most inspiration. It’s a look inside the brain of a creator — messy but clear on principle. This is Walt Disney’s from 1957 (via George Mack [https:

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Mies van der Rohe Marketing

Have you heard about the latest “trend” in online marketing? It’s not really a trend — good publishers have been doing it all along. But with the recent privacy changes at Apple (and soon many others), online publishers have had to resort to some old-school methods of getting the word

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Generosity Comes from People

Fom Josh Spector []: > “No one wants a newsletter from a company, but lots of people would like a newsletter from a smart person who works for that company.” This is where everything is going, especially as data from email

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Put relationships first.

This has been the conclusion I’ve reached at middle age as well — about marketing, publishing, business, parenting, everything. We’re hardwired for this. That’s why it’s so prominent in my personal publishing principles []. From Cal Newport via Lex Fridman [

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How does it make you feel?

Carlo from The DO Lecture series []: > “It’s not how it looks, it’s how it makes you feel.” Even though he’s talking about work spaces here, I think this is a sentence we could use to describe anything we create and market — or just

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Trust Without Metrics

From Maneetpaul Singh []: > “Our inboxes are a sacred place. As someone who’s purchased several digital products before, I buy from people I trust. Being thrown into an automated sales sequence is the last thing that builds trust.“ The problem is that it

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Do subject lines matter anymore?

Yes, but as not much as you’d think from all the advice out there. I see way too many marketers fretting over subject lines that make a 1-2% difference in open rates, when they miss the bigger, more obvious part of an email that can make a 50%+ (these

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You Need 2 Things

Whenever I write copy for a marketing campaign or new product, I ask for two things: 1. Who is the audience? 2. What is the goal of this piece? It’s rare to get a straight answer for both — even from billion-dollar companies (especially from billion-dollar companies). Both are required