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Has Photography Gone from an Introvert to Extravert Hobby?

Great observation from Guy Tal [] on the mindset of analogue (or traditional) vs. digital (or modern) photographers: > “It used to be that photography was the favored avocation of introverts, allowing unquestioned solitary time in a darkroom—a private world behind a

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In This Week's A Lesser Photographer Newsletter

I go on a wedding photography podcast, three ways to avoid clichés, the science of aesthetics and what it’s like being an introvert in the art world.

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Introverts Unite! (just for a while - don't freak out)

Yesterday, I had the pleasure to attend a Q&A with Susan Cain, author of Quiet [], my favorite book of 2012, at 37Signals headquarters []. The book is about the advantages of the introverted personality in a world geared towards rewarding extraversion.