There’s no such thing as nonconformity. We just conform to different groups and ideas. By rejecting nonconformity, just like originality, we can clear away one more obstacle between ourselves and the photos we really want to create.
Eddie Van Halen Gave A Talk About Invention And
false Eddie Van Halen gave a talk about invention and creativity at the Smithsonian last night, while dropping off a few guitars. As you’ll hear, even to one of the most innovative artists in rock history, it’s all about a daily grind and constraints.
The enemy of creativity is fear.
Fear in our case can be running to gear, using filters or cliche techniques. It’s all just a way of avoiding difficult questions.
Seven Tips to Craft a Better Visual Story
Elizabeth Krist explains her editing process and what it takes to tell a story in National Geographic.
Commodity Failure: A Rant
I love this. A rant from a professional’s point of view about the commoditization of “average” photography and the importance of creative problem solving in setting yourself apart from the crowd. > “People could give away cars and there’d still be a market for Porsche and Ferrari. And
The Minute Someone Gives You A Map Is The Minute
> “The minute someone gives you a map is the minute it’s not art anymore.” — Seth Godin [] (why there are no rules and why how-to articles generally suck)
Solve More Interesting Problems
Creativity is just another word for problem-solving. It makes sense that if you want a more creative life, you should chose better problems to solve.
Automation Kills Creativity
Nicholas Carr was the first high profile writer to capture all of the research behind the effects of human’s move from paper to pixels, first in Wired [], and then in his book The Shallows [
What If The Cost Of Machines Who Think Is People
> “What if the cost of machines who think is people who don’t.” — George Dyson (via The Glass Cage [
National Geographic's Photo Engineering Department
This is what I mean when I say interesting photography will continue to evolve through creative problem solving, not automation. National Geographic has always put an emphasis on the most important piece of equipment - the mind of a creative person: > “What happens on the back of a cocktail