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Mikes on Mics (Part 2)

Check out the latest podcast I showed up on, Mikes on Mics [] . We debate the ideas I posted in this article [] on productivity for creatives. I don’t think any holes were poked in

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Mikes on Mics Podcast

I recently went on the Mikes on Mics podcast to debate this article [] I wrote about productivity for creatives. The podcast came out today, so download it here [] and join the debate (you’ll

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Go Ahead and Buy Expensive Gear

Constraints breed creativity. But what if the constraint that happens to bring out your creativity is a film camera? A $4500 film camera? That’s what happened to street photographer Eric Kim [] . He knew film gave him a creative edge over digital. That

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What Film Does that Digital Can't

Lesser photography doesn’t necessarily mean analogue photography, it just means finding ways to boost your creativity by recognizing the power of constraints, editing and storytelling. For some photographers, that means choosing film over pixels. Why? There are still some things film does better, while remaining a constraint. There are

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Freedom Is..

The best books get you to rethink your approach to life, career, country…you name it. Hugh MacLeod’s first book Ignore Everybody [] was just such a book for me back in 2009. It was the kick in the ass every creativity-driven person deserves at least

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Specializing in Mediocrity

The latest excuse I’ve heard from “advanced amateurs” to justify buying expensive equipment and ignoring creativity is “I specialize.” Wow! Just like a pro (only without those pesky clients and market forces). I understand the attraction of confining yourself to a niche of photographing dung beetles or retro bottle

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Mikes on Mics (Part 1)

I was on a recent episode of Mikes on Mics (download it here [] ) getting acquainted and talking about Mac-related issues. Consider it prep for an episode that debuts a few weeks, in which I get in an hour-long, knockdown, drag

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“Creativity is a Verb”

cameronmoll []: > Milton Glaser, as quoted in Jonah Lehrer’s Imagine: > There’s no such thing as a creative type. As if creative people can just show up and make stuff up. As if it were that easy. > I think people

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10 Photographers You Should Ignore

I don’t agree with all of it, but the point of blazing your own trail is spot on. (via Marco Dughera)

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"The Ongoing Sabotage of Art"

An interesting opinion piece from photographer Kirk Tuck [] (via Marco Dughera): > “What I’m arguing for is the idea that, before inflicting on our shared culture, another meaningless rectangle of bouncy color and vacuous content that we all have a responsibility