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Is Total Automation the Future of Cameras?

Yep. That’s always been the goal. And, it may serve artists particularly well. Jason Kottke gives his take [] on some recent articles about how a next generation camera might work: > “You hold the camera in front of something, take a video or

Members Public

A Camera Is Just A Tool A Carpenter Using A

> “A camera is just a tool. A carpenter using a hammer and me using a hammer are going to get different results. I can use a hammer but I don’t know how to make a table. For me it’s not about the camera, it’s about the

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Photography Without Thought is Surveillance

Look 5 years into the future of photography and you can probably predict where cameras are going: smaller, higher quality and more ubiquitous. Look 50 years into the future and you have to wonder what won’t be recorded. So, what won’t change in that time? Where will the