A Determined Soul Will Do More With A Rusty Monkey
> “A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop.” — Robert Hughes []
I Kinda No Longer Spend Money On Photo Gear
> “I kinda no longer spend money on photo gear. Mostly on studio rental and buying coffee or lunch for people who intrigue me and I wanna meet.” — Jorge Quinteros []
The Wall Street Journal Doesn't Get Photography Yet
New gear doesn’t create “better photos.” A better subject, a new way of looking at a story - this is the stuff of better photos. I usually ignore articles like this because I see it so often, in so many publications. But it needs to be addressed when it
Dirty Lens
> Do you really need to clean the front of your camera lens before shooting to ensure maximum detail? The answer is no. via Travis Ennis []
Over-valuing Potential
> Cameras are all about future potential. Photography is about past production.
Film Isn't Dead
Make sure if you take part in the analogue film resurgence, you do it for the right reasons: the slow, mindful approach to photography and the emphasis on material output. Pretty much everything else about it is the same gear trap as digital.
How our photo obsession is threatening our memories
From Linda Henkel Professor, Fairfield University [] (via Andy Adams []): > When the students took photos, they remembered fewer objects overall and remembered fewer details about the objects and their location in the museum, compared to those they had only
I Think That As The Cameras Become Ubiquitous As
> “I think that as the cameras become ubiquitous, as everyone gravitates towards the same tools, the playing field will truly become leveled, and ironically we’ll discover that our only true differentiator in time will become the author’s understanding of how they can best put those tools into
Buy Experiences, Not Gear
From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology [] (via 99u [] ): > In two surveys, respondents
"Less Works"
From Nate Otto of Basecamp []: I wonder which one needs a tutorial.