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A List of Reasons to Pick Up a Film Camera

John Crane has many reasons [] for sticking with film during his career, but this is one of my favorites: > "I spend so much time in front of the computer that when the time comes to get away and enjoy photography – the last thing

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Back to School

My wife got a new job at a college. I'm taking advantage of the situation to go back and re-take several photography classes with a discount. It's been 20 years since I've taken a college-level photography course. I'm excited by the prospect

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Why Choose Film in 2016?

It's rare that a pro-analogue article gets beyond nostalgia, but European CEO gets it right in their post Film Photography Makes a Stunning Comeback [] (via David Sax []): > "'Necessity is the mother of invention; there is

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“Mobile” Photography Doesn’t Matter

Neither does DSLR or any other form of modern photography. Photography technology will progress in ways we can’t foresee. But it will progress. Today’s top-of-the-line camera is tomorrow’s relic. Today’s most popular camera (the iPhone) is also tomorrow’s relic. All images from today will be

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This Week’s Newsletter

The Best Thing You Can Do When Launching an Idea [] “Constraints are a control mechanism buffering against the nature of how ideas work. Ideas like to go on forever, like the party guest who has endless stories to share with you, standing between you and

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OK, Your Camera is Better Than Mine. Now What?

David DuChemin posted to Twitter about about how camera gear is overrated. As expected, he got a little push back. So, he pushed back on the push back with a lovely rant. I honestly can’t believe this is still a debate, but it is.

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Give Your Camera to Your Kid

> “They don’t care about the perfect shot, nor do they wait for it. They have no clue what the ‘rules’ are. Everything is interesting to them and worthy of being shot — especially what’s happening right now. They bring true meaning to the spirit of ‘point and shoot’

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Police Body Cameras Work

The San Diego Police Department started using body cameras on their officers and the results are dramatic: > “Complaints have fallen 40.5% and use of ‘personal body’ force by officers has been reduced by 46.5% and use of pepper spray by 30.5%.” Years of arresting photographers for

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Are You Getting the Most Out of Photography?

Guy Tal can change your entire attitude towards your role in photography. This is a great paragraph: > “As time goes by, you become adept at operating your equipment, augment your kit with various items (whether you actually need them or not), visit some “must see” locations, make some copies

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We Need To Get Comfortable With The Idea Of

> “We need to get comfortable with the idea of letting go of any thing at any time now because we let go of every thing in the end.” — Patrick Rhone []