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9 Lessons on Landing Pages

I just spent 3 months in meetings and writing sessions helping to create a landing page and content strategy for a new product that I can’t tell you about — you’re not in the product’s audience anyway, so it doesn’t matter. What I can tell you, now

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The best business advice he ever got...

Josh Morgan Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, on the best business advice he’s ever received []: > “Make yourself useful. Go up the most successful person you can find and say, ‘What is the 20% of your job that you hate the most?

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"Sources of Personal Competitive Advantage"

Shane Parrish is collecting a list on Twitter of sources of personal competitive advantage []. Readers soon joined in and now it’s a long thread that received the following response from business author Kevin Kruse: > “If he doesn’t turn this into a

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This is one of the sentences I say regularly that drives people crazy: > “Consistency is great, but we don’t want to be consistently wrong.” Consistency really is great when it reinforces good habits in your readers (weekly newsletters, daily posts, etc.). It’s terrible when it’s used

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How to Be the Dumbest Person in the Room

James Altucher recently posted about the smartest piece of financial advice he'd ever received []: > "Everyone has to be smarter than me for me to get involved." The whole post is a great story of ups and downs that'

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Focus on Done

Personal blogs are fertile ground for posts about what a person is going to do. This bores the reader and provides the blogger with the self licensing [] to not do what they said they were going to do. If you announce it before you

Focus on Done
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The Economy that Never Dies

Hugh MacLeod [] : > "Business Insider projected in 2015 that over the next twenty years, we’ll lose 47% of our jobs to robots. So what’s protecting the other 53%? > Creativity. The fundamentals of humanity. > We will

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Give It Away

Tim O'Reilly explains on when it makes sense to give your product away []. This is another reason to blog/tweet/instagram/share anywhere with regularity: > "The less people are aware of you, the better idea it is to give your product

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> "Different is better than better.” - Sally Hogshead, author of Fascinate [].

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Honesty Is Your Competitive Advantage

This is the everyone-is-trying-to-teach-you-something era. The quickest way to make money from this era is to tell people what they want to hear. Package it in as many appealing formats as possible and “launch” it to the masses. Honesty is a much more long-term proposition. It’s about reputation. It’