A Lesser Photographer Now Available in Libraries and Stores
The second edition of A Lesser Photographer is now available somewhere besides Amazon! You can get the physical version through any book store or library now upon request, and (very shortly) through Apple Books and Google. Sorry it took so long to get this book out in wide circulation, but
Keep Going
Austin Kleon and I tend to write about very similar subjects, but to completely different audiences. I follow his blog [] and read his books []. More than once I’ve deleted drafts of posts, because he just posted the same thing. So, I look

It's Getting Better All the Time
I receive the most criticism when I post about positive things happening in the world. I find that fascinating. It could be because a lot of people rely on negative outlooks to fuel their jobs, hobbies, or identities. Steven Pinker experienced this himself on a grand scale when he published
The Message vs. the Book
Being published by a big time publisher does not mean you’ll be read by a lot of people. You could probably reach more people with your message through a blog or podcast. Actually, you could probably reach even more people through someone else’s blog or podcast, or even
Constraints work (on experts too)
“As soon as I decided that the format of books was really constraining me, the ideas I've had for new books have gone up dramatically. There's definitely a correlation there.” - Seth Godin []
Book Review: Designing Your Life
Designing Your Life [] is everywhere right now. It's a course at Stanford, it's a book,
Book Review: The Revenge of Analog
Analog gear has always been a guilty pleasure for me (and I'm sure for my readers as well). So, whenever a book comes along with excuses to embrace analog technology, I devour it. While Nicholas Carr focused on science to back his pro-analog arguments in the books The

Reasons to Buy Paper Books
It helps to remember the things a paper book can do that ebooks still can't. 1. 30+ years of scientific studies have shown reading from paper improves comprehension and retention of information better than reading from a screen. Here's [