RIP: The External 🧠
Last week, while everyone was arguing over who the next social media giant was going to be, Evernote laid off its entire U.S. staff: “Evernote, the app that has sought for two decades to find a large paying audience for its ‘external brain,’ is moving its operations to Italy,
How to Journal Every Day for 10 Years
It’s simple, but difficult — as most good things are. On Christmas Day 2010, the first day of my honeymoon, I wrote my first journal entry, starting a streak of daily journaling that has lasted 10 years. A few months into my journaling, Day One [] came along

We Ride the Polar Express and It Stinks: A Cautionary Tale
“The children were ignoring the adults. They weren’t looking at screens, at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. They were looking at the wonder just outside the train. The adults were missing it completely.”
Day One
I rarely write about apps, but every once in a while something helpful to my philosophy comes along and just have to sing its praises. I’ve been using Day One [] since…well…day one of its existence. In short, it’s a journaling app that makes