A Lesser Photographer
Where were we 10 years ago?
It’s been a decade since I gave this short talk at Ignite Minneapolis, titled “How to Take Perfect Photos Every Time.” I’m sure title was inspired by the sarcasm of the infamous 2009 Merlin Mann and John Gruber talk about blogging ,“149 Surprising Ways to Turbocharge Your Blog
“Real” cameras lost.
When A Lesser Photographer [https://www.cjchilvers.com/a-lesser-photographer] was released, I caught all kinds of heat from photographers who said, “Get a real camera.” I had the controversial opinion (at the time) that you could express yourself photographically with your phone and the many other “lesser” devices available. It’
A Lesser Photographer Gets a New Cover
I loved the work Daniel Benneworth-Gray [http://danielgray.com] did on the A Lesser Photographer [https://amzn.to/2Z1kGxB] eBook cover, so I asked him to make a version of it for the print book, and now both versions have the same awesome cover design. The new front cover of

How to Get to #1 on Amazon (Or at Least How I Did It Twice)
The second edition of A Lesser Photographer [https://amzn.to/2WL9brx], my book on minimalism for photographers, went to #1 in the pro photography genre sometime this month. I wasn’t expecting it, so I wanted to figure out why it happened. It’s my second time at #1 in

Thanks, Hamish!
Hamish Gill wrote a wonderful review of A Lesser Photographer at 35mmc [https://www.35mmc.com/31/12/2018/the-lesser-photographer/]: > “I suppose you could call it tips, or maybe advice, but that feels like an injustice to it. It’s more sage than those words sum up – it feels