Can Your Desk Help You Organize Your Thoughts?
This is my new desk. I call my “ADHD desk,” as that was my internal justification for buying something so massive it made a 27” monitor look like an iPad on a stick.

So, what’s the big deal? I can write directly on it! No more excuses for not jotting something down.
It’s a 6-foot whiteboard on an adjustable standing-desk frame, sold by Fully.
It seems like a gimmick at first, but after reading several recommendations, I had to give it a try.

Over the past few weeks, it’s gotten a lot of use for note taking, especially during content strategy meetings — but I’m finding business uses are not the real “draw” for me.
My son showed me that a little personal note or drawing can add quite a bit more joy to the work day than an outline from a meeting:

I haven’t customized it to my computer set up just yet, so I’m sure some designed-to-impress photos are still to come (please save me if I become that guy).
Highly recommended.