The Ultimate Test
A year ago, I started this site as an experiment to see if it was possible to sell off my pro camera equipment, buy a compact camera and try my luck as a minimalist photographer.
That experiment was just put to the ultimate test. I got married and went on a two-week honeymoon adventure in the Hawaiian islands (which also explains the lack of posts in the last few months). I only allowed myself a compact camera on the trip. To other photography enthusiasts, being in paradise without the best camera and lenses they could afford is just pure insanity. But I wanted to walk the walk.
The Results
I was not expecting to miss my DSLR has much as I did. Partly, this was due to being surrounded by them in the more urban areas, where the trip started. During this leg, I used the inconspicuous nature of a compact camera to its advantage by taking lots of candids.
The next leg of the trip focused on nature, including a stay on the big island, where even Hawaiians go to vacation. Within a two hour drive, you could experience tropical beaches, volcanic deserts, a rain forest and even snow. You could spend months there and never scratch the surface. The compact camera proved much more beneficial here, where the environment would, at times, have been too punishing for the typical hobbyist to put their DSLR at risk (or worse, cause a person to think twice about even venturing out to these places for photography).
Some of My Favorite Photos

USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor

Oil Leaking, USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor

A very famous first draft.

Abandoned Theater, Waimea Valley Park

Hikers on Diamond Head

Manoa Falls

The North Shore

No, not a microsoft screensaver.

Volcano National Park
And what would a vacation be without a sunset shot?