The Stupidest Experiment
Me since 2001: Don’t revisit your Van Halen book for a third edition. It’s an endless pit of work that never makes money and invites trolls by the dozens.
Me in 2022: Let’s do this thing.

As always, I’ll report back with my findings on Substack, the concept of “living books,” and what content formats people actually care about these days. Until then, enjoy the guiltiest of pleasures – an awesome link roundup.
— CJ
Link ❤️
- Why every creative should have a website.
- The CEO of Axios on why there is no peak newsletter.
- Litmus publishes the quiet part loud in their 10 Email Marketing Trend Predictions from the Experts: “Open rates are no longer a reliable metric.” Yes! That would have been a great prediction a few years ago. The experts are a little behind the times, because they’re usually paid to be. That’s good news for you. Start a newsletter.
- The new list of spam trigger words for emails just dropped.
- Seth Godin on GPT-3 and AI for creators: “Attention and trust don’t scale. If your work isn’t more useful or insightful or urgent than GPT can create in 12 seconds, don’t interrupt people with it. Technology begins by making old work easier, but then it requires that new work be better.”
- Josh Spector evokes memories of homework and that damn 60 Minutes ticking stopwatch: “The best measure of career happiness is how you feel on a Sunday night.”