“Real” cameras lost.
When A Lesser Photographer was released, I caught all kinds of heat from photographers who said, “Get a real camera.”
I had the controversial opinion (at the time) that you could express yourself photographically with your phone and the many other “lesser” devices available.
It’s not controversial anymore.
If I have one update to make to that entire book, it’s the overall feeling that we were the underdog.
Om Malik posted this yesterday:

“There has been a spike in the number of new cameras released by camera companies in the recent past. While it might seem like a sign of strength, it is the exact opposite. It smacks of desperation. The game of outdoing each other with features and megapixels is all about attracting elusive consumer dollars.”
The argument in my book was about constraints increasing creativity. The argument got a little lost in the photography industry debates, which I’m sure helped sell books, but ultimately missed the point.
Now, “lesser” cameras are dominant. Will constraints need to be found elsewhere for some? Yes. As long as brains differ, constraints will differ. The important thing is finding out what’s best for your unique brain.
But there’s no longer a reasonable argument against the camera in your phone being a “real” camera.