"Sources of Personal Competitive Advantage"
Shane Parrish is collecting a list on Twitter of sources of personal competitive advantage []. Readers soon joined in and now it’s a long thread that received the following response from business author Kevin Kruse: > “If he doesn’t turn this into a
Marie Curie's Notebook
A look inside a notebook, on experiments from 1899-1902, still radioactive today (and will be 1500 years from today). This reminds me that paper notebooks are still the best format for archiving notes, and handwriting adds humanity to everything — including data collection. (via The Nobel Prize [

Keep Going
Austin Kleon and I tend to write about very similar subjects, but to completely different audiences. I follow his blog [] and read his books []. More than once I’ve deleted drafts of posts, because he just posted the same thing. So, I look

It's Getting Better All the Time
I receive the most criticism when I post about positive things happening in the world. I find that fascinating. It could be because a lot of people rely on negative outlooks to fuel their jobs, hobbies, or identities. Steven Pinker experienced this himself on a grand scale when he published
Get Published Podcast Episode 169: CJ Chilvers
Paul G. Brodie had me on his podcast [] to discuss A Lesser Photographer [] and how I chose quality of audience over quantity with my email newsletter. We had a great discussion after the show too about alternative business models
Thanks, Hamish!
Hamish Gill wrote a wonderful review of A Lesser Photographer at 35mmc []: > “I suppose you could call it tips, or maybe advice, but that feels like an injustice to it. It’s more sage than those words sum up – it feels
I Finally Made a "Now" Page
I don’t know why I waited so long to make a “now” page (Derek Sivers). I read them all the time. If you’re new to the concept, here’s the inventor Derek Sivers []: > “It’s a nice reminder for myself, when I’m