Nobody ever says on their deathbed...
I see lessons about life couched in deathbed terms all the time. Just search “deathbed” and you’ll see endless lessons about what’s really important in life. It got really ramped up with the beloved 2012 book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the
The Resurrection of DVDs
I will admit to laughing at people who collect DVDs. I’ve considered it a giant waste of money and space. But now I’m started to wonder if I was wrong. Samsung announced recently that they’re done producing new Blu-Ray players [
Revisiting Ulysses
Lots of writers I know and trust recommend Ulysses [], but I was pretty tough on it in my giant post [] about note taking/writing apps. Since that post, Ulysses released a big update [] addressing one of
New Newsletter: Why I Unsubbed 400 of You
The ability to look stupid, the best note taking app, and how to keep going — it’s all in the latest newsletter [].
Which Note Taking App Should I Use?
Everyone takes and uses notes in in their own way. It’s very personal. No one way works for everyone. In fact, readers who only use paper should skip this article altogether. I admire your lifestyle and hope to have it some day, but for now I rely on the
"Sources of Personal Competitive Advantage"
Shane Parrish is collecting a list on Twitter of sources of personal competitive advantage []. Readers soon joined in and now it’s a long thread that received the following response from business author Kevin Kruse: > “If he doesn’t turn this into a
Marie Curie's Notebook
A look inside a notebook, on experiments from 1899-1902, still radioactive today (and will be 1500 years from today). This reminds me that paper notebooks are still the best format for archiving notes, and handwriting adds humanity to everything — including data collection. (via The Nobel Prize [