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Try Neurofeedback

This is where I am currently on my journey to decrease my anxiety [] — trying neurofeedback therapy. What’s neurofeedback therapy? It relies on the notion that positive feedback can train your brain to correct itself using audio-visual rewards. Practically speaking, it means you sit

Try Neurofeedback
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30 Practical Tactics to Decrease Your Anxiety (Intro)

I am not a doctor. The first step in this journey is to seek medical attention if you suspect that anxiety, depression, or any other disorder is negatively affecting your life. Seriously. It’s easier than you think and it’s necessary. We’re talking about your health here. There’

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Coming in November: 30 Practical Tactics to Decrease Your Anxiety

November is traditionally NaNoWriMo [] month, when writers try to write a novel in a month. Since I don’t do fiction (not yet anyway), I’m using November for something different and I'm hoping you'll join me. I’m going to post every

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Do You "Take" Photographs or "Make" Photographs?

I use to default to writing “make” photographs, because of the endless rants I used to hear back in my darkroom days (the 90s). Of course, as photographers who took their craft seriously, we painstakingly “made” photographs, we didn’t just “take” them willy-nilly. It’s even in my book

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New Newsletter: Who Has the Best Personal Website

Laying low in Minnesota, what to do with old social media posts, and to quote or not to quote: it’s all in the latest newsletter [].

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Digitizing My Van Halen Archives

I have boxes full of research from previous books and articles, especially from my days as a music journalist (I still own if anyone is interested). I was putting off digitizing my mountains of articles, documents, letters, and manuscripts until I had a good high-speed scanner. It’s

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A Lesser Photographer Now Available in Libraries and Stores

The second edition of A Lesser Photographer is now available somewhere besides Amazon! You can get the physical version through any book store or library now upon request, and (very shortly) through Apple Books and Google. Sorry it took so long to get this book out in wide circulation, but

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Why keep old tweets?

I decided to delete my first 10,000 tweets. More will be deleted in time. Why? The more important question is “why not?” I see no advantages in keeping an archive on any social media platform, and lots of potential disadvantages.

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New Newsletter: Your Habits Create You

Images from Alaska, lessons in marketing and creativity, and how daily habits create who you are — it’s all in the latest newsletter [].

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How One Music Retailer is Beating Amazon

Anderton’s is a music gear store in England, focused mostly on guitars, that really gets social media. Their YouTube videos feature really good musicians having a really good time experimenting with the equipment they sell. Their best videos [] involve the two primary