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A Month of Blogging about Anxiety: The Results

I’m guessing a fair amount of you with blogs or platforms are wondering what the results were of focusing intensely on one subject for a month of daily blogging []. Since I was writing up a note-to-myself about it, I thought: why not share? Results

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Simply getting [] older [] is probably the best cure for anxiety. Some of the reasons: 1. You learn how to deal with triggers better. 2. You experiment more. 3. You realize more and more that you’re

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Kids used to play a lot more than they do today [] . I think the same is true of adults. Remember how it was so common, as to be a cliche´, that every dad was part of a bowling league

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Eliminate Extra Inboxes

There’s a lot of productivity advice out there about what to do to organize and process your many inboxes. But the best rule is often forgotten: have as few of them as possible. Inboxes are input. Every added inbox is a new firehose of information for people already drowning

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Get Lost in Music

Poppy music sends me into a rage. Raging music makes me happy. Why is that? And why does music have such a profound effect on our brains? Just this week, a Harvard study, published in Science [], found that music is indeed a

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Declare Independence

One of the themes this month has been the role of independence in anxiety. The more agency you have over areas of your life, the less likely you are to experience anxiety in those areas. Yes, luck is involved. That’s no excuse not to seek greater independence in your

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Go Camping

I know, I know. This is not the time of year to bring this up, but camping really has a way of ending my anxiety from the moment I step foot in a tent or cabin. There’s several reasons you should give this a go: 1. It’s all

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Add and Remove Automations

Sometimes you can take away small stressors by automating a process. For example, these blog posts are not written day-by-day. They're written in batches, then scheduled to go out with social media alerts triggered the minute they're published. Each article is then captured, tagged, and catalogued

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Paint with Light

I have no idea if painting eases your anxiety, because I have no experience in painting. But I can recommend taking up photography as a hobby. It’s such an effective anxiety killer, some people simply cannot live without it. Think about what you’re doing when you’re photographing

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Quit Your Presidential Campaign

It’s a cliche´ that politicians resign or stop campaigns to “spend more time with family.” This is a lie, of course, but it’s really good advice when it comes to anxiety. Study [] after [