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New newsletter: The king is dead. Long live Ed.

This week’s newsletter is about what we could all learn from the life of Eddie Van Halen. You can check it out here [] (and subscribe here []).

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Let's Keep in Touch

I’m moving this blog to better home! I really recommend subscribing to my newsletter []. Due to the weirdness of my RSS feed, I don’t know if this blog’s feed will survive the move. I’m doing what I can, but the pluses

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New newsletter: Why ask?

Consider “consider,” Ted Lasso on Sammy vs. Dave, and how to properly judge newsletters. It’s all in my latest newsletter []. Subscribe here [].

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Be a Lazy Billionaire

I was inspired to start updating my oldest available book, The Van Halen Encyclopedia [], by a few great ideas I’ve seen from others over the past month. I thought they might inspire you too. I began by updating the book in real time on

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New newsletter: Giant Books and Paid Newsletters

Products over newsletters, Ghost over your CMS, and manifestos over notes — it’s all the latest newsletter [].

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New Newsletter: Issue #256: Remembering Fun and Rest

Office gravestones, a book that isn’t for morons, and your first mistake as a writer — it’s all in the latest newsletter [].

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New Newsletter: Quick Father's Day Issue

Payback is fun. The tropical storm killed my grill. Never go full Telecaster. It’s all in the latest, special edition of the newsletter here [].

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New newsletter: Issue #253: Begun the newsletter wars have

Why you don’t have to take part []. Subscribe here [].

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The best business advice he ever got...

Josh Morgan Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, on the best business advice he’s ever received []: > “Make yourself useful. Go up the most successful person you can find and say, ‘What is the 20% of your job that you hate the most?

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A Lesser Photographer Gets a New Cover

I loved the work Daniel Benneworth-Gray [] did on the A Lesser Photographer [] eBook cover, so I asked him to make a version of it for the print book, and now both versions have the same awesome cover design. The new front cover of

A Lesser Photographer Gets a New Cover