Day One
I rarely write about apps, but every once in a while something helpful to my philosophy comes along and just have to sing its praises.
I’ve been using Day One since…well…day one of its existence. In short, it’s a journaling app that makes telling your story so much fun, you want to use it daily.
How does that help photographers?
I’ve argued here that the most important skill photographers need to work on is storytelling; finding ways to weave their words and photos together in a compelling way. Until now, no one has made it this easy.
Every day, at least once a day, instead of tweeting/facebooking what happened in my day or what firsts my son Charlie has encountered, I write a little note to myself and attach a photo.

It doesn’t have to be lofty prose or portfolio-worthy photos. That could lead to creative paralysis.
The point is to eventually paint a picture of our lives during this time. The point is also to become a better storyteller and photographer by forcing myself to create something meaningful every day, no matter how small.
To date, I have 639 entries in Day One. That should give Charlie more than enough reading material in the future, if he ever gets over what a nerd his dad was.