A Lesser Minimalism
Minimizing your processes is more important than minimizing the amount of your objects. Objects are often just the byproduct a process and a reflection of its health. But there are painful places where the two ideas meet. One of the first nerdy courses I bought, many years ago, was MacSparky’
Is plain text best?
Derek Sivers [https://sive.rs/plaintext] and Patrick Rhone [https://www.patrickrhone.net/11399-2/], two of my favorite writers, have just posted about how the simple text file is the most stable, malleable format for storing your thoughts and work. This is probably the most widely accepted truth among nerds
New newsletter: HustleTrust
The great newsletter migration, character > competence, and logo paralysis: it’s the latest issue [https://www.cjchilvers.com/email/issue-275-hustletrust] of my newsletter. Is it possibly the last in this format?