All You Need Is 1
You don’t need a certain number of followers, a “passive income,” a “monetization strategy” or “1000 true fans [] ” to justify sharing your work. All you need is 1. 1 person liked my writing enough
A Lesser Photographer Now Available for Kindle
Craft & Vision rarely releases Kindle versions of their books, but they’re making an exception in my case. I redesigned book specifically for Kindle without the illustrations of the “heavier” PDF version. It’s just a quick, easy read you can take with you wherever. Please take a moment
This Week in Photography Family Podcast #24
I appeared on the TWiP Family podcast [] to discuss the importance of snapshots and why family photos clarify what's important about photography.
The Only Photographer You Should Compare Yourself
> “The only photographer you should compare yourself to is the one you used to be.” — Anonymous (via Craft&Vision [])
Experts Say That Theres No Better Time To Be
> “Experts say that there’s no better time to be different, so don’t concern yourself too deeply with what will ‘sell,’ or try to adapt your individual style into something that’s more commercial or mainstream.” — Demetrius Fordham [] (via Jorge Quinteros
Want Better Not More
Want better, not more [] .

If You Feel The Need To Get Paid For It It
> “If you feel the need to get paid for it, it probably isn’t your passion.” — Hugh MacLeod [] ( @hughcartoons [])
Via Mike Rhode Check Out His Books
(via Mike Rhode [] - check out his books [])

Vincent Laforet Finds New Photos in Old Subjects
I didn’t know much about Vincent Laforet until we started following each other on Twitter. Turns out, he’s the perfect example of what really differentiates photographers. CBS Sunday Morning (a program I’ve watched religiously since the 90s for their concentration on the arts) did a profile of
Your Parents' Photos Are Better Than Yours
As a group, we photographers remain obsessed with megapixels, light sensitivity and prime lenses. The generations before us tended to shoot with whatever was handy. Their results were better. Their photos of us as kids are grainy, out of focus, discolored and lack any logical composition. And they’re wonderful.