Reader Question: Too Many Limitations?
Reader Jorge E. wrote in about my last interview [] : > ...After reading your last interview at Mylio and that, at the moment, you only use your iPhone camera, I am curious. Does that not limit yourself too much? I am not thinking so much about
Book Review: Deep Work
Cal Newport is a great author because he doesn't need to publish books. He does just fine in academia. So, you know when he publishes something outside academia, it's going to be good. His first book, So Good They Can't Ignore You [http://amzn.

Professional Photographers Are the .1%
How many professional photographers are there? The short answer is: no one knows for sure. We can make an educated guess, though. Just in the U.S., there are 124,900 professional photographers according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics []
Professional Photographers Are the .1%
How many professional photographers are there? The short answer is: no one knows for sure. We can make an educated guess, though. Just in the U.S., there are 124,900 professional photographers according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics []
CJ Chilvers With Honest Advice for Amateur Photographers
I did an interview recently about power of amateur photographers.
Do Artists Need Websites?
I got a little tired of reading about how photographers no longer need websites thanks to the abundance of social networks. So, I wrote this rant up on my…gasp…personal blog.
Do Artists Need Websites?
No, by all means, rely on VC-backed, advertiser-controlled social networks and third party services to deliver your voice for you. Rely on people you don't know, compelled by motives contrary to your own, to serve ads to your viewers and snoop on their meta data. Be sure to
Welcome new readers
I see that Craft & Vision is having a sale on the A Lesser Photographer book [] and traffic is beginning to spike around here. Welcome! My preferred method of keeping in touch with readers is my newsletter [
Value Your Time and Buy More Books
It’s the one-year anniversary of the A Lesser Photographer book [] being released by Craft & Vision (they released it recently on Kindle [] as well). It seems like a good time to revisit why it’s a book at
Small Rebellions
I was walking through my local arboretum’s Christmas lights festival with my family, and a few thousand others, when I noticed a group of photographers standing in front of a tree filled with red blinking lights. They weren’t taking pictures. Their lenses weren’t even pointed at anything