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CJ Chilvers

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Don't Follow Me

Giving people a reason to follow you means giving a lot of people a reason not to follow you. This explains why so much writing in the arts is about explaining how to do something, not why you should or shouldn’t be doing it. It’s easy to have

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You Can't Do That With a Phone

You're hearing this less and less for technological reasons, but we should be hearing this less and less for creative reasons. In 2009, when this book [] came out, shooting an entire project on just your iPhone was a radical idea. Now, it's

You Can't Do That With a Phone
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Is Better Photography Inevitable?

Author and geek-guru-futurist Kevin Kelly has been previewing his new book The Inevitable [] on Twitter. He recently tweeted [] a sentence from the book that specifically spoke about photography: > "Today anyone can instantly take a photo that is a

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There Will Always Be a Better Shot

There’s always a better subject, better lighting, better story, better camera and maybe even a better photographer for the situation. So what? Our ideas, and our final products, are imperfect. Photography is much more interesting when we embrace this.

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Honesty Is Your Competitive Advantage

This is the everyone-is-trying-to-teach-you-something era. The quickest way to make money from this era is to tell people what they want to hear. Package it in as many appealing formats as possible and “launch” it to the masses. Honesty is a much more long-term proposition. It’s about reputation. It’

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The Romantic Locations Where A Lesser Photographer Was Written

I stumbled across this book [] in the library recently, which appears to tap into a romanticism about the places writers create books and the places written about in the books. Photographers have it somewhat easy in this department. We can see where you were when the

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The Romantic Locations Where A Lesser Photographer Was Written

I stumbled across this book [] in the library recently, which appears to tap into a romanticism about the places writers create books and the places written about in the books. Photographers have it somewhat easy in this department. We can see where you were when the

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Why You Need to Publish a Photo Book

If I had one wish for photography right now, it would be for talented photographers to publish more books. Publish 5 or 1000 copies, but get it out there. Share what you’ve learned, even if the lessons you have to teach are lessons we’ve already learned. If they’

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Why You Need to Publish a Photo Book

If I had one wish for photography right now, it would be for talented photographers to publish more books. Publish 5 or 1000 copies, but get it out there. Share what you’ve learned, even if the lessons you have to teach are lessons we’ve already learned. If they’

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Reader Question: Too Many Limitations?

Reader Jorge E. wrote in about my last interview [] : > …After reading your last interview at Mylio and that, at the moment, you only use your iPhone camera, I am curious. Does that not limit yourself too much? I am not thinking so much about