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CJ Chilvers

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There is Less to Life

Every business failure I've ever had has come down to one problem: overthinking. It accounts for most failures in the rest of my life as well. Of course, a total lack of thinking can lead to ruin. But, I think we tend to overcomplicate life in general. Most

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The Lost Art of the Print Envelope

I never knew I'd miss them until they were gone. Photos used to come in envelopes. The envelopes gave you hints about the time and place of the photos before you even opened them. They had personality. I don't miss a lot about the old print

The Lost Art of the Print Envelope
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Print Publishers Should Learn from the Photobook

Print publishers still think they're in the information delivery business. This is probably only half true. Publishers need to look to re-surging popularity of photobooks for the future of print books in general. You can get information anywhere now. That's not what's scarce. Photobooks

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The Benefits of Anonymity

From Dave Lawrence on Steven Pressfield's new book Nobody Wants to Read Your Shit [] : > "Think about that. All the hard work we put into creative projects, or blog entries, or advertising campaigns – nobody really cares. They have better things

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The Slow Death of Tumblr (and Medium)

I started moving all my legacy blog posts from Tumblr last week. I took down my personal blog there entirely (all the posts can now be found on this blog) and A Lesser Photographer will be transferred this week. I decided I wanted to own the experience from now on.

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The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

> "Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or

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Personal Website Check-In (6 Months Later)

About six months ago I refocused everything I was writing/publishing to my personal site [], assuming this would be better for my readers and my writing. I also committed to writing something every weekday. I wrote about it the reasoning for daily blogging here

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Your Gear Does Matter

You can’t claim gear doesn’t matter and then criticize someone’s gear. If you look back over the life of this blog, I stopped criticizing fancy camera gear a long time ago. I had to face, while writing the A Lesser Photographer book []

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The Future of Photography

The future of photography is publishing. I've argued as gear becomes better and cheaper, technical ability will no longer be as valued. Creativity will be the differentiator. That may work for a while. But with hundreds of millions of new photographers out there, creativity alone will not be

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New Order: A Decluttering Handbook for Creative Folks

I still have a weakness for productivity and organization books. I believe even the time spent reading the book, if it can be used to streamline/automate/delete annoying parts of my work and life, can be justified. It's rare that I find a productivity book that actually