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CJ Chilvers

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Selling Ideas

We're all trying to sell something, even if it's just our ideas. If we weren't, social media wouldn't exist and neither would the blog, the book or the portfolio. This is why it helps when photographers learn to write and writers learn

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Thinking Slower

"People say, But with a computer you could go so much faster. Well, I don’t want to go faster. If anything, I should go slower. I don’t think all that fast." - David McCullough [] on why he used a

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Newsletter Sneak Peek

Some newsletters are just an essay, some are an actual letter and some collect and "curate" links. Mine is a mixture I'm constantly experimenting with and some of what's in it doesn't appear on this blog. This is a list of links

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"Artists Shouldn't Be on Social Media"

"Artists shouldn't be on social media. Their work is time-suck enough as it is." - Hugh MacLeod [] I want to agree with that statement. Then again, it was posted on Instagram, so I'm not sure Hugh really means

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Why Choose Film in 2016?

It's rare that a pro-analogue article gets beyond nostalgia, but European CEO gets it right in their post Film Photography Makes a Stunning Comeback [] (via David Sax []): > "'Necessity is the mother of invention; there is

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Kill Your To Do List

Here’s what’s always bothered me about task management systems: it’s not what Presidents use. Crazy thought, right? But hear me out. Who has more projects to manage; more people demanding their time; more riding on their decisions than a head of state? Yet, they don’t manage

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Empty Reading

If you subscribe to popular photography blogs, unsubscribe from just one today. I guarantee you won’t even realize it’s gone by next week.

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Photomediations: An Open Book

Photomediations an attempt at a coffee table photo book in digital form. You can view the free book as a website [] or in part as a PDF [] . I'll always prefer the physical form of a photography

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How We See Art

This is a small, eye-tracking study from Frontiers in Human Neuroscience [] that found some unusual variables in how we view art (via Andy Adams []): > "We found some common principles in the way people

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A Note about Notes

Notes are the center of a nerd's life. They're a repository for knowledge and possibly for work. They're a personal library more important to its owner than the Library of Alexandria was to the world. Notes distill what you believe. Notes can determine your