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CJ Chilvers

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Things are Getter Better All the Time

Outrage needs to be manufactured. Life is good and getter better all the time. 1. Why can’t we see that we’re living in a golden age? [] by Johan Norbert for The Spectator 2. The world is getting better all the

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The Future for Photographers

Ben Brooks argues the iPhone will continue to displace activities normally performed by photographers []: > "More and more, and with every new iteration of iPhone, many of the most basic photography tips are becoming built in to the single most popular camera in

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Think Before You Share

Leo Babauta writes about being mindful when sharing photos []: > "Why is this moment not enough, without the need to share? Do I just want to brag, or is there a good-hearted motivation there too? What am I so afraid of, that I can’t

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Bring Back The Hobby

Stephenie Buck writes in Our Parents Discovered Leisure. We Killed It []: > "For many of us, the hobby is dead. Our work lives have merged with our free time, and hobbies are now often indistinguishable from second jobs. In a culture obsessed with productivity,

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Making a Thing

The most popular camera maker debuted its new product yesterday, the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. If you want criticism of the product or a review of the presentation, go pretty much anywhere else today. What I like about these unveilings every year is that it’s all about

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What You Can Learn from John Free's "3 Things"

I post this John Free video mostly to show how working, experienced photographers look at their own work. It's not the way art collectors or most art critics look the work. There's little about darkroom or camera technique here. It's all about recalling the

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Sharing Family Photos

I spent the long weekend making lots of family photos and struggling to find the proper place to post them. It reminded me of a recent post by Dave Lawrence []: > "I look at other photographers’ family work, and lately it’s some of the

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The Biggest Lies You've Been Told About Photography

Earlier this week, I asked my readers to tell me about the biggest lies they've been told about photography. The responses included a lot of unexpected lies and some I'd never heard before. Feel free to keep adding to the stories and tell me about the

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Start Something Small to Build Something Great

I wrote yesterday [] about my first real product: a well-designed hardcover book I carefully created over years and nurtured through the entire production and distribution process. It was a huge project. If I had it to do over, I would've started much smaller

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Why I Won't Sell My Books on Amazon

You can still find my books on Amazon, but it's not because I want them there. For Kindle books, it may be a necessity, but for all other formats (and especially for indie physical books), Amazon has proven to be a horrible experience for both the publisher and