The Stakes Couldn't Be Lower
Don't let your creative projects make you anxious. Remember, unless you're a professional, this is all about your well-being: learning and practicing something that makes you a better person. It's supposed to be an all-upside proposition. If, like me, you find yourself in creative
Big Ideas
David Lynch []: > “Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and
Bank People
Om Malik []: > "A wise man once told me that I shouldn’t worry about banking the money. Instead, he said, bank people for in the end they will truly enrich your life."
Photos from Sanibel, FL
I'm back from a much needed break. In case you don't follow me on Twitter [] or Instagram [], here's some of the photos I shared. 4-year old vs. ocean Nice catch. OK, I got caught up

Photo Xperiment Podcast: You Are Not Just a Photographer
Andrew Hellmich was kind enough to invite me on another of his podcasts, Photo Xperiment (Episode 12: You Are Not Just a Photographer, You Need to Be a Publisher []). We went beyond photography in this one, covering publishing and creativity. This is a good one. I
It's that time of year government "suggested" sabbatical []. I may be just a writer, but 8-10 hours of my day is writing for a bank. The question arrises every year in my head: what

"Quit Social Media"
Excellent advice, backed up by science.
You'll Go Blind
> “Journalists' favorite topic is journalism. Bloggers' favorite topic is blogging. Readers' favorite topic is anything but those.” – Dave Pell I've been guilty of this too much lately. I don't want to put limits on what is post-able, but this is a trap
Give It Away
Tim O'Reilly explains on when it makes sense to give your product away []. This is another reason to blog/tweet/instagram/share anywhere with regularity: > "The less people are aware of you, the better idea it is to give your product
A Pessimistic View of Optimism
Yesterday's post Things are Getting Better All the Time [] received more pushback than anything I've written in a while. It's not surprising. Consider the amount of media coming at us daily with sky-is-falling headlines. It's a shock