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CJ Chilvers

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Everything is OK

"Everything is OK in the end. If it's not OK, then it's not the end." - Anonymous

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The Economy that Never Dies

Hugh MacLeod [] : > "Business Insider projected in 2015 that over the next twenty years, we’ll lose 47% of our jobs to robots. So what’s protecting the other 53%? > Creativity. The fundamentals of humanity. > We will

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Independent Blogging is Healthier Than Ever and Still Dying

Andy Baio on the redesign of his popular personal blog []: > "But there a few reasons why I’m sad about the decline of independent blogging, and why I think they’re still worth fighting for. > Ultimately, it comes down

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Musicians Want Their Analog Tools Back

David Sax, author of the forthcoming book The Revenge of Analogue [], on why analogue tools are making a comeback for musicians [] : > “I think the sound quality is one of the smaller reasons why people chose analog,” Chris Mara,

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Good Questions

Kevin Kelly []: > "When answers become cheap, good questions become more difficult and therefore more valuable."

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Mindful Reading...and Publishing

Patrick Rhone []: > "In an effort to be more gentle with myself I’ve come to embrace my reading as a part of my practice. I call it Mindful Reading (more slowly — the opposite of speed reading). The idea that my lack of speed

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Reasons to Buy Paper Books

It helps to remember the things a paper book can do that ebooks still can't. 1. 30+ years of scientific studies have shown reading from paper improves comprehension and retention of information better than reading from a screen. Here's [

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New Newsletter

Just a reminder: every week I publish an email newsletter that includes everything published on this site and some extra stuff that isn't. Here's this week's issue [] . Subscribe here [https://www.cjchilvers.

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I Hate Your Work

> “There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.” - Ansel Adams > “I hate your work.” - William Eggleston "The Pioneer of Color Photography" [

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Work Hard and Be Nice To People

I'm adding this is my wishlist of prints for the office. From Anthony Burrill [] .

Work Hard and Be Nice To People