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CJ Chilvers

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My Rules for Publishing (2017 Edition)

Back in 2015, I wrote a post called My Rules for Publishing [], which was got pretty popular (in the circles I hang out in at least). I figured it was time for an update. My updates are in red. 1. The blog is the most

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Finding Deeper Meaning in Photography

Another question I’m frequently asked is about how to find deeper meaning in photography, specifically in a hobbyist’s body of work, which usually consist mostly of snapshots and a few attempts at "big projects." First, I think it’s great we’re even asking that question.

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The Biggest Regret of My Career

Last week, I attempted to explain why it’s not always a great idea to put your work out there in any old form towards the goal of “being noticed.” Of course, this was written from my usual pro-hobbyist bias, as the great majority of my readers are hobbyist photographers

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Dave & Dave Unchained: Episode 9

I appeared on the latest episode of the Van Halen podcast Dave & Dave Unchained to discuss my 1999 book, The Van Halen Encyclopedia []. Listen here [] .

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Are You a Good Photographer?

The second most frequently asked question I get is something along the lines of “can you give me your honest opinion of my work?” followed by a link to a portfolio. I usually tell the person that my opinion doesn’t mean anything. I know the majority of my readers

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Get Excited About Photography Again

This is the first in a series of articles where I respond to the most frequently asked questions or comments I received when I asked “How can I help you?” a few weeks ago in the newsletter []. Feel free to respond right now with your

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Book Review: The Revenge of Analog

Analog gear has always been a guilty pleasure for me (and I'm sure for my readers as well). So, whenever a book comes along with excuses to embrace analog technology, I devour it. While Nicholas Carr focused on science to back his pro-analog arguments in the books The

Book Review: The Revenge of Analog
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What Can I Do For You?

This is the question I posed to my newsletter [] readers this week. I wasn't trying to be clever or pulling some marketing trick. I really wanted to know how I can improve things for my readers. The response was a flood of email,

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Weekly Newsletter: Everything is OK

In this week's newsletter []: 3 books you should be reading, how to come up with great ideas and a new podcast interview on the way.

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When Quantity Produces Quality

From Further [], the wonderful personal newsletter of Brian Clark: > "Psychologist Dean Simonton’s work focuses on creative productivity. His studies reveal that highly creative individuals don’t necessarily produce better ideas over all. They do, however, come up with more ideas." > "