Being Creatively Lost is Awesome
Every six months or so I feel a little lost creatively. It leads to a lot of good things, but in the moment it feels disconcerting. This is something readers write to me about all the time. They want to know what can be done to get them back to
How Good is the President's Pen?
Did you know there's an official presidential pen [] ? The past several U.S. Presidents have agreed on a

I Like Analog Because I Am Analog
I've been shooting a lot with Instax [] film lately. Instax is the modern equivalent of Polaroid film, which can still be had, but I prefer Instax: * It's mass produced in a very consistent way by Fuji (mostly for kids and the Japanese

Seth Godin on Why He Keeps Blogging and Creating Books
Seth Godin appeared on the Design Matters podcast [] and got a little more personal than usual about his work and life before he became THE Seth Godin. I recommend listening to the whole thing, but I transcribed a few gems for my own notes:
Home Screens as Therapy
I have nothing against technology. I do have a problem with using technology as a crutch to keep you from being creative. I have a big problem with my natural, sometimes destructive, tendency to consume a lot of information. Batching time to consume helps, but sometimes it's more

Schedule Your Thinking
Tom Kelley and David Kelley in Harvard Business Review []: > “Schedule daily 'white space' in your calendar, where your only task is to think or take a walk and daydream. When you try to generate ideas, shoot for 100 instead of 10.
Where the Herd Is
Dave Winer [] (co-creator of podcasting and the father of blogging): > "I'm feeling very Fuck You about controlling motherfuckers. Twitter can't help its users communicate. Facebook breaks the web by not letting writers link to other websites
No Worries
Via Jack Hollingsworth [] : > "Amateurs worry about equipment. Professionals worry about time. Masters worry about light." - Anonymous I disagree. Every photographer should consider their time, equipment and lighting. No photographer needs to worry about it. Also, why wouldn't the
Focus on Done
Personal blogs are fertile ground for posts about what a person is going to do. This bores the reader and provides the blogger with the self licensing [] to not do what they said they were going to do. If you announce it before you