How to Enjoy a Vacation
Summer is coming. For creatives who have the good sense to take vacations, this can present a paradox. How do we relax and let go of the work, while retaining our daily creative practices? There are several schools of thought on this: 1. It's a vacation. Don'
Self Awareness is Underrated
Of all the "Letters of Note" I've read, none of have come closer to my world view of than this one from H.L. Menken in 1931 []: > "I go on working for the same reason that
The Bayles Exercise
Brooks Jensen, in his 1018th podcast [], describes a technique he can't believe he hasn't mentioned 1018 podcasts. It's a technique he learned from David Bayles in the 1980s for coming up with projects for
Why Relationships Matter More Than Products
I've been listensing to Brad Dowdy's podcast [] and reading his blog [] for years. So, when he has a product [] to sell, I buy it. I like him and I like his product. It's

How to Stop Creative Paralysis
First, realize that you're probably putting unnecessary expectations on the quality of your creative output. Yes, you'd show off a better body of work if you only showed your absolute best. But, then, no one would know you and few would care. Sharing your work is
Book Review: Designing Your Life
Designing Your Life [] is everywhere right now. It's a course at Stanford, it's a book,
Love for 16mm
A wonderful take on why film is still very useful for motion pictures: I shot one reel of 16mm film in my life. It was Tri-X I believe. I shot it through an antique 16mm camera I bought on Ebay for $75. I developed the film myself. I do not
The Romance of Photojournalism
From Columbia Journalism Review on what freelance photographers face []: > “Places that are trying to put up a slideshow that you almost got killed for and worked on for 3 years, for $1,500, which at the end of the day it’s