Why Relationships Matter More Than Products
I've been listensing to Brad Dowdy's podcast [https://www.relay.fm/penaddict] and reading his blog [https://penaddict.com] for years. So, when he has a product [http://nockco.com/] to sell, I buy it. I like him and I like his product. It's
How to Stop Creative Paralysis
First, realize that you're probably putting unnecessary expectations on the quality of your creative output. Yes, you'd show off a better body of work if you only showed your absolute best. But, then, no one would know you and few would care. Sharing your work is
Book Review: Designing Your Life
Designing Your Life [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1101875321/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1101875321&linkCode=as2&tag=cjchilvers-20&linkId=1687117c342b0e6fef4ac5a36bd113aa] is everywhere right now. It's a course at Stanford, it's a book,
Love for 16mm
A wonderful take on why film is still very useful for motion pictures: I shot one reel of 16mm film in my life. It was Tri-X I believe. I shot it through an antique 16mm camera I bought on Ebay for $75. I developed the film myself. I do not
The Romance of Photojournalism
From Columbia Journalism Review on what freelance photographers face [https://www.cjr.org/b-roll/heres-what-freelance-photographers-face.php]: > “Places that are trying to put up a slideshow that you almost got killed for and worked on for 3 years, for $1,500, which at the end of the day it’s
Day One Revisited
Back in 2011 [https://www.cjchilvers.com/day-one/], I wrote about a new journaling app called Day One [http://dayoneapp.com]. Since then, I've written something in that journal every day. For a few years I even included a daily photo. There have been some hiccups along the
The Extraordinary Can't Exist Without the Ordinary
Most photographers and writers I know live in the suburbs, despite what stereotypes would have you believe. Most do not live in studio apartments in New York, nor could they afford it if they wanted to. They live what would probably be considered "boring" lives to an art