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CJ Chilvers

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Is It Unethical to Publish to Facebook?

Last month, Harvard Business Review published an article titled A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, the Worse You Feel [] . It stated: > "Overall, our results showed that, while real-world social networks were positively associated with overall well-being, the

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All Creative Projects Are 365 Projects

Because your creativity doesn't begin and end when a project does. It's a daily practice. 365 projects are a byproduct of a daily practice, as are books, blogs, and careers.

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Random Positive Reinforcement

From David Allen on the GTD Podcast [] : > “One of the factors of creating addiction is random positive reinforcement. If you’re trying to train your dog…you don’t want a treat every time. The more random, the more powerful the addiction to the

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The Self-Imposed Deadline

Yesterday, my doctor told me I need to slow down. In short, I'm overwhelmed with work. It's not the first time I've been told this. He said something else that stuck with me, though. He said that we've become a society obsessed

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An Argument Against "Deep Work"

Deep Work [] is all the rage, and has been for a few years. It's refreshing to have some push back against it, if at least to have some diversity of opinion. Tiago Forte, a productivity consultant, was recently interviewed for the Evernote podcast

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If You Could Only Photograph One Subject...

Artifact Uprising interviews Photographer Tim Coulson []: > "If I could only take photos of one thing for the rest of my life, it would be my family. I've had the privilege to travel to the ends of the earth, taking pictures

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Listen Up!

When big name politicians run for office, they start by announcing a "listening tour." This is bullshit. It's really about determining if they have the financial support and popularity to viably run for the office. What if it wasn't bullshit, though? What if you

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Eric Kim Quits Instagram for Blogging

From Eric Kim's blog []: > "Why? I realized it was a major distraction in my life. Rather than focusing on what I do to create real value (blogging) I wasted my precious energy on how to optimize my follower

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Book Review: Do Open

I believe the email newsletter is the most effective form of communication available online. As popular as they are, I believe they are still incredibly under-used. Nothing brings a return, whether in terms of money or relationships, like the email newsletter. My focus has been solely on relationship building, but

Book Review: Do Open
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I Was Wrong About Landscape Photography

I made the argument in the A Lesser Photographer book [], and here in this blog, that photographers should chase what's scarce if they want to capture something with longevity in meaning. At the top of the list of examples, I'd include