Every Age is a Golden Age
"Leaving aside quality, people have never written or read more, or even nearly as much, as they do now. This is the golden age of the written word." - Crispin Sartwell [https://www.wsj.com/articles/texting-and-twitter-make-this-a-golden-age-for-the-written-word-1506119348] "Leaving aside quality, every age is a golden age."
My Dad Sees in Real Color for the First Time in 74 years
For his 75th year and his first trip overseas (to Ireland), I chipped in with my siblings to get my dad Enchroma glasses to correct for his red-green color blindness. Youtube is filled with Enchroma videos [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtd8_WwSF9wqufdhMEscjOAoMJcb0Z_VU], in which the wearers of
3 Courses I Bought This Year Even Though I Hate Online Courses
Generally, I’m anti online courses. Most of them are just poorly edited books translated into web videos and WordPress trickery. But, on rare occasions, an online course comes along that’s worth every penny. These are the courses even I, the biggest course curmudgeon, could not resist this past
This Week's Newsletter: Move Near Water. Get Up Early.
In this week's newsletter [http://mailchi.mp/cjchilvers/move-near-water-get-up-early]: Eclipse advice, beautiful prints of terrible advice, and zero-based time budgets. Subscribe here [https://www.cjchilvers.com/subscribe].

Stay Up?
Frank Chimero [https://twitter.com/frank_chimero/] recently tweeted this illustration, a poster he made called "Midnight Oil": It reminded me of this print [http://www.bigplastichead.com/2010/01/stay-up-and-make-something/] from years ago: Both prints I love and I want hanging in my office. But, to be

This Week's Newsletter: The Excitement of Being Dull
The Dull Men's Club, the hidden benefits of podcasting, the "Turd Principle" of time management, and why it's OK to publicize your email address. It's all in this week's newsletter [http://mailchi.mp/cjchilvers/the-excitement-of-being-dull]. Subscribe [https://www.cjchilvers.com/

Copyblogger Certified Content Marketer Course Review
I just completed the Copyblogger Content Marketing Certification course [http://www.copyblogger.com/certified-content-marketers/]. I haven't submitted my articles for certification yet, but that'll happen soon enough. Having over 1000 to choose from helps. I took the course to find out if I really knew everything
The Two Most Stress Relieving Sentences in the English Language
To yourself: “It’s OK." To others: “No thanks.”
This Week's Newsletter: What is Free Speech?
This week, I examine the state free speech in the U.S., putting family before your art, the benefits of boredom, and why Google wants your photos so bad. Subscribe [https://www.cjchilvers.com/subscribe] and view this issue [http://mailchi.mp/cjchilvers/what-is-free-speech].