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CJ Chilvers

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Behavioral Economics and Creativity

I believe most the readers of the A Lesser Photographer book [] understood and agreed with the basic message of the book: constraints foster creativity. Yet, some of the book’s biggest fans don’t follow that message. They know what they should be doing to

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Why You Should Work in Silence

I read this a while ago in The Atlantic [] and didn't want to believe it: > "Studies show that for most types of cognitively demanding tasks, anything but quiet hurts performance.” The whole article is good, but

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Chris Ducker on Time Management

Chris Ducker has spent years studying and implementing time management techniques, and writing about what he's learned. He agrees with a growing number of my peers that schedules beat to do lists. In fact, in a recent episode [] of his podcast, he

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Legacy is a Sales Tool

An article appeared recently on [] about a World War I era monument, sponsored by the Chicago Council of Gold Star Mothers, being dismantled and "stored" because no one can figure out exactly what it commemorated, or even what

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The Hierarchy of Online Consumption

Nothing [] > Newsletters [] > RSS [] > Social [] Media []

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How to Podcast Daily

A collection of Seth Godin quotes I put together on why you should blog daily [] has started making the rounds again on social media. Great! I love the idea of blogging daily, and admire anyone actually attempting it. But, what if you did the same

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Amateurs vs. Pros

Amateur bashing is back in season. Shane Parrish [] : > “Amateurs are scared — scared to be vulnerable and honest with themselves. Professionals feel like they are capable of handling almost anything.” > “What’s holding you back? Are you hanging around people who are

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Field Notes HQ

Thanks to everyone who came to the podcast recording and meet up at Field Notes! It was great to finally meet some of you in person and thank you for your support.

Field Notes HQ
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New Newsletter & Meetup: How is Film Like a Sailboat?

I’ll be at Field Notes headquarters in Chicago tomorrow for the Pen Addict podcast and meet up. I've been a fan of, and occasional guest on, Relay FM's podcasts since long before they were called Relay FM (or 70 Decibels). The Pen Addict is one

New Newsletter & Meetup: How is Film Like a Sailboat?
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Constraints work (on experts too)

“As soon as I decided that the format of books was really constraining me, the ideas I've had for new books have gone up dramatically. There's definitely a correlation there.” - Seth Godin []