David DuChemin on Productivity
Photographer and Publisher David DuChemin describes his process [http://davidduchemin.com/2017/11/how-to-get-sht-done/] and it sounds familiar: > “On a smaller scale my productivity has gone way up as I’ve transitioned from keeping a TO DO list to just putting stuff – even the smaller tasks – straight on the
The Future of A Lesser Photographer
Craft and Vision Publishing has just announced [http://mailchi.mp/craftandvision/save-30-on-resources-cv-wont-ever-be-selling-again] they’re moving to a new business model. They’re having one final sale on 50 books, including A Lesser Photographer. After Friday, A Lesser Photographer will no longer be sold on their site. What does this mean
Ignorance is Bliss
Having an "external brain" in the form of a smartphone appears to be making us stupider: > "Scientists have begun exploring that question — and what they’re discovering is both fascinating and troubling. Not only do our phones shape our thoughts in deep and complicated ways, but
How to Balance Creativity and Productivity
A post over at Kottke.org [https://kottke.org/17/11/the-tension-between-creativity-and-productivity] about the struggle between creativity and productivity is getting a lot of attention today. I don't usually link to trendy articles, but this is right up my alley: > "I get more done in less
An Inbox for Your Time
This week's dive into using scheduling instead of task management (see previous [https://www.cjchilvers.com/kill-your-to-do-list/] articles [https://www.cjchilvers.com/inspiration-is-scheduled/] here [https://www.cjchilvers.com/chris-ducker-on-time-management/]), involves the step I get the most questions about: how do you track all the actionable stuff in your
The Value of Attention
I see it all the time. A big-name author or rock star enjoys the adulation of millions of fans, but takes home a fraction of the income of a C-level executive or investor. Both envy each other, but I don't know anyone who would honestly take fame over
The Message vs. the Book
Being published by a big time publisher does not mean you’ll be read by a lot of people. You could probably reach more people with your message through a blog or podcast. Actually, you could probably reach even more people through someone else’s blog or podcast, or even
Behavioral Economics and Creativity
I believe most the readers of the A Lesser Photographer book [https://www.cjchilvers.com/books] understood and agreed with the basic message of the book: constraints foster creativity. Yet, some of the book’s biggest fans don’t follow that message. They know what they should be doing to