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CJ Chilvers

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My Most Important Daily Writing Assignment

I write all day and have for as long as I can remember. Some of it is for pay, but I journal every day as well and take an insane amount of notes about everything. But the most important thing I write all day happens around 5:30am when I&

My Most Important Daily Writing Assignment
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David DuChemin on Productivity

Photographer and Publisher David DuChemin describes his process [] and it sounds familiar: > “On a smaller scale my productivity has gone way up as I’ve transitioned from keeping a TO DO list to just putting stuff – even the smaller tasks – straight on the

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The Future of A Lesser Photographer

Craft and Vision Publishing has just announced [] they’re moving to a new business model. They’re having one final sale on 50 books, including A Lesser Photographer. After Friday, A Lesser Photographer will no longer be sold on their site. What does this mean

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Ignorance is Bliss

Having an "external brain" in the form of a smartphone appears to be making us stupider: > "Scientists have begun exploring that question — and what they’re discovering is both fascinating and troubling. Not only do our phones shape our thoughts in deep and complicated ways, but

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How to Balance Creativity and Productivity

A post over at [] about the struggle between creativity and productivity is getting a lot of attention today. I don't usually link to trendy articles, but this is right up my alley: > "I get more done in less

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The Most Important Call to Action for Your Readers

From the Mailchimp for Agencies newsletter, issue #60 [] : > “When I’m doing a newsletter for Small Biz Triage, there’s only ever one call to action,” Rasmussen says. “That is ‘Reply.’ Write back with a question, ask to meet up for coffee,

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An Inbox for Your Time

This week's dive into using scheduling instead of task management (see previous [] articles [] here []), involves the step I get the most questions about: how do you track all the actionable stuff in your

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The Value of Attention

I see it all the time. A big-name author or rock star enjoys the adulation of millions of fans, but takes home a fraction of the income of a C-level executive or investor. Both envy each other, but I don't know anyone who would honestly take fame over

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My Favorite Newsletter

As an evangelist for email newsletters, I'm often asked for examples of the best. The problem is, the best are often niche newsletters that only a few hundred or a few thousand specific readers care about...but they REALLY care about them. That's exactly where you

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The Message vs. the Book

Being published by a big time publisher does not mean you’ll be read by a lot of people. You could probably reach more people with your message through a blog or podcast. Actually, you could probably reach even more people through someone else’s blog or podcast, or even