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CJ Chilvers

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Does Google Miss Google Reader?

Every year at this time I take a look at what’s changed in online publishing, dedicate myself to taking advantage of what I’ve learned, and then realize I’m better at things like newsletters [] and books [] than whatever

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There's Nothing Magical about Creativity

I've been preaching about how creativity is really just problem solving. There's nothing magical about it. Give your brain enough room and it will be creative. You could even schedule it. You should schedule it. Neuroscientist Sam Harris has spent the past few years studying artificial

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Why Tumblr Was the Best

Shawn Blanc [] (in his newsletter): > "Tumblr encouraged you to post anything and everything: quotes, links, conversations with friends, photos, videos, articles, etc. > On the one hand, this led to tons of Tumblrs being the online equivalent of an angsty teenager’s messy bedroom. But

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Why Tumblr Was the Best

Shawn Blanc: "Tumblr encouraged you to post anything and everything: quotes, links, conversations with friends, photos, videos, articles, etc. On the one hand, this led to tons of Tumblrs being the online equivalent of an angsty teenager’s messy bedroom. But on the other hand it also encouraged folks

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Photo Safari

The podcast [] I just did with Jon Wilkening brought up a lot of topics centered around photography in the 1990s. Why the 90s? I consider the 1990s the golden age of film photography. The amounts and variety of new film, film cameras, paper and chemicals

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The Creative Bar Podcast

I went on Jon Wilkening's wonderful podcast The Creative Bar to talk about creativity, constraints and obscure 1990s photography topics I had bouncing around in my head. Check out the episode here [].

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Has Photography Gone from an Introvert to Extravert Hobby?

Great observation from Guy Tal [] on the mindset of analogue (or traditional) vs. digital (or modern) photographers: > “It used to be that photography was the favored avocation of introverts, allowing unquestioned solitary time in a darkroom—a private world behind a

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Chris Hardwick on Scheduling and Note Taking

The Evernote podcast [] recently interviewed Chris Hardwick about his productivity habits. How did he go from unknown stand-up comic to the guy who seems to be the go-to nerd representative on TV? First, he puts a priority on scheduling and organizing

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Austin Kleon on Blogging Daily

Austin Kleon has been trying to make daily blogging a habit. He's been on a streak since October 1st, and he just posted about why he's doing it and the results so far []: > "Maybe most surprising, is

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Old Advice is New Advice: There Are No Rules

“If you let other people’s vision get between the world and your own, you will achieve that extremely common and worthless thing, a pictorial photograph...there are no short cuts, no formulae, no rules except those of your own living.” — Paul Strand, The British Journal of Photography in 1923