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CJ Chilvers

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New Newsletter: Talent, Hard Work, or Luck?

The value of a newsletter, the mechanization of knowledge, and the ubiquity of smartphones. It’s all the latest issue of the newsletter [].

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This is one of the sentences I say regularly that drives people crazy: > “Consistency is great, but we don’t want to be consistently wrong.” Consistency really is great when it reinforces good habits in your readers (weekly newsletters, daily posts, etc.). It’s terrible when it’s used

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The Value of a “Good Old Newsletter”

From Kai Brach [] , Publisher of Offscreen magazine and the Dense Discovery newsletter: > “Funny enough though, the good old email newsletter is currently experiencing a bit of a comeback. Perhaps as a reaction to the bottomless, anxiety-inducing social feeds, the email sits

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The Mechanization of Knowledge

> “Improvements in communication make for increased difficulties of understanding.” — Harold Innis [] This quote messed with my head for a while, yet it accurately describes the point we're at with some forms of online publishing. Breaking the barriers and killing off the

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New Newsletter: The New Edition of A Lesser Photographer

Check out the new book, think about not listening to podcasts, and learn about a great new photography 101 class. It’s all in the latest issue of the newsletter [].

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A Lesser Photographer Second Edition Is Out!

The new edition of the A Lesser Photographer book is finally out on Amazon in ebook [] and paperback [] formats (more stores and platforms will have it soon). This edition is all about refining the message of the first edition and producing a

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Should We Stop Listening to Podcasts?

When you mention time and attention theft, most creators think of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (which I call Facebook II). They usually don’t think about Youtube or podcasts, which have the same issues: the ad model and all its abuses to the listener, and the lack of quality in

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Finally! A Photography 101 Course I Can Recommend

Most mainstream photography courses focus on what matters to professional photographers and ignore the 99.9% of us who are hobbyists. Their advice is misguided at best, and scammy at worst. My book and blog are an antidote to most of these courses. If you’re here, you know the

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Using Ulysses as a Database for The Van Halen Encyclopedia

My 1999 book, The Van Halen Encyclopedia [], was put together using Microsoft Word and stacks of research material. Back then, I wanted nothing more than the skills to put together a database to update each entry, then publish it as a whole book every year or

Using Ulysses as a Database for The Van Halen Encyclopedia
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Brian Koppelman: “Go Do the Thing.”

Brian Koppelman (a fellow Van Halen fan) is the co-creator of the hit Showtime series Billions [], one of my favorite shows. This week, the cast and crew of Billions is back at work on a new season and Brian had some words of encouragement [https:

Brian Koppelman: “Go Do the Thing.”