My Door Is Always Open
Nat Geo put up a great photo essay on rural post offices [] . See those old P.O. boxes? When my post office modernized in (back in the 90s), they offered to sell us the old “doors” to our boxes.
Overthinking? Try this iOS Shortcut.
As usual, I found myself overthinking this week about small details and not getting much done on the big stuff. It’s been happening too often lately, delaying my newsletter and book projects. But this week, I decided to do something about it. I built a kind of break-glass-in-case-of-emergency shortcut
How to Journal Every Day for 10 Years
It’s simple, but difficult — as most good things are. On Christmas Day 2010, the first day of my honeymoon, I wrote my first journal entry, starting a streak of daily journaling that has lasted 10 years. A few months into my journaling, Day One [] came along
9 Lessons on Landing Pages
I just spent 3 months in meetings and writing sessions helping to create a landing page and content strategy for a new product that I can’t tell you about — you’re not in the product’s audience anyway, so it doesn’t matter. What I can tell you, now
A Lesser Photographer Audiobook
I’m finally recording an audiobook for A Lesser Photographer []! But, let’s face it, it’s a small book. So, to beef it up a little, I’m planning interviews with creators who feel strongly about the ideas in the book. If you have
Write for a life.
My useful pinned reminder in Notes:
The Arguments Folder
My son was scrolling through my notes app recently and saw a folder with a skull and crossbones icon. He saw the fear in my eyes and asked me what was in this dark, scary folder. Are you an over-thinker like me? If you are, you know there are some
Things 3 Is Step Zero
I wrote an article for The Sweet Setup on how to use Things 3 to start and manage writing projects [] (among many other things).
Let's Keep in Touch
I’m moving this blog to better home! I really recommend subscribing to my newsletter []. Due to the weirdness of my RSS feed, I don’t know if this blog’s feed will survive the move. I’m doing what I can, but the pluses