You Need 2 Things
Whenever I write copy for a marketing campaign or new product, I ask for two things: 1. Who is the audience? 2. What is the goal of this piece? It’s rare to get a straight answer for both — even from billion-dollar companies (especially from billion-dollar companies). Both are required
How to Get the 3 Things You Want Most
> “There is a wonderful, almost mystical, law of nature that says three of the things we want most — happiness, freedom, and peace of mind — are always attained when we give them to others. Give it away to get it back.” — Basketball Coach John Wooden in Wooden: A Lifetime of
Perfectly Designed Imperfection
This is the most exciting guitar deign I’ve seen in a while. The design is not optimized for hanging on a wall. It’s (very intentionally) optimized in every way for picking up, plugging into anything and sounding great, playing reliably without constant care and maintenance, throwing anywhere (on
Seth Godin on Why You Should Start a Podcast
It’s the same reason you should start a blog, newsletter, or any public, creative outlet for yourself. Here’s Seth (from his podcast [], of course): > “The middlemen have not yet come along that make it financially feasible for the typical person
Audience First Vs. Product First
Every year (maybe six months lately), creators post about why you should create a products, then build an audience for the product; or build an audience first and create products based on their needs. It’s a false choice. Reject this premise. You need both. Both need constant attention. Both
Experiments Check In
A few of you wrote to me to ask about how my year of experiments is going. To refresh everyone, for 2021, I changed personal websites, started blogging daily again, changed book publishing models, moved to a new newsletter host, and tried to fix an old guitar with my son
Get Your Ass Kicked
From Brené Brown [] via Weekly Thing []: > “If you are not in the arena getting your ass kicked on occasion, I am not interested in or open to your feedback. There are a million cheap seats in the world today
22nd Birthday Makeover
Yesterday afternoon (February 26, 2021), I began preparing my Fender Strat for a makeover/restoration project with my son. I never knew when the guitar was actually built, so when I finally opened her up, this is what I saw. That’s a little spooky. It’s stamped February 26,

2 Dutch Sayings You’ll Use Every Day
I learned these from Adam Curry, inventor of podcasting and former MTV VJ. I use them almost daily (as mantras in my head when dealing with difficult projects and people). “Wat je zegt ben jezelf, met je kop door de helft.” Loosely translated, it means: What you say about others